Who is this for?
This Thrive Circle is designed for people living with a chronic health condition that has impacted your daily life, such as chronic pain, COPD, diabetes, arthritis, or any other condition requiring ongoing management.
How will I benefit?
- Learn how to live fully and meaningfully with your health condition.
- Clarify personal values that guide your decision-making, energy and resources.
- Develop pacing strategies to allow you to live more fully while reducing potential flare ups or inactivity.
- Identify and interrupt unhelpful thinking patterns that may be contributing to worsening of mood or behaviors that interfere with managing your condition.
- Establish goals and maintain behavior changes to support management of your condition, such as restorative sleep habits, nourishing your body, and engaging in joyful movement.
How do we connect?
We’ll meet through a private online video platform. It’s easy to navigate and compliant with all confidentiality standards.
When and how often do we meet?
Next Session Starts Spring 2022!
What’s the commitment?
By joining us, you’re committing to attending our eight sessions, sharing your triumphs and your struggles openly, and that you’re willing to give real, honest feedback. I ask you to do your best to attend every session, but if you have to miss one -- I get it.
What is the cost?
Galia Collaborative is committed to fostering an equitable world and promoting economic justice. Our Thrive Circle pricing model reflects this mission. We offer Thrive Circles at three price points and ask that you select the pricing that best reflects your economic circumstance.
Standard Pricing: $65/session (8 sessions)
This is the standard cost of this service and should be selected if you have access to financial security, own property or have personal savings, you would not traditionally qualify for sliding scale services.
Equity Pricing: $40/session (8 sessions)
If you struggle to maintain access to needs such as healthcare, housing, food, child care, and are living paycheck to paycheck, please select this option. If you are interested in participating and this price is out of reach, please contact us and we will do our best to help you access our services.
Rise and Lift Pricing: $75/session (8 sessions)
If you recognize that you have solid financial security and would like to support other women to access these services, please select this pricing.
How do I get started?
Register using the form below! You'll receive an email shortly after with your confirmation.