Postpartum Thrive Circle with Dr. Sarah Lavanier

Next Session TBD!

Once you become a mother, everything changes. Support through these changes can make all the difference in a successful integration post-baby.

Even if this isn’t your first baby, it’s normal to feel isolated and overwhelmed by the responsibilities through the first year and beyond. Modern motherhood has us cordoned off in nuclear families, expected to perform all our duties perfectly and still maintain some semblance of ourselves. It doesn’t set us up to succeed.

Even empathetic partners can’t fully relate to the physical changes, hormonal surges, and trying emotional states that come hand in hand with the joy of a new baby. And friends may not understand the intimacy issues that so easily arise and can be uncomfortable to talk about. 

It helps to surround yourself with other women who know what it’s like. Women who can offer affirmation, empathy, and experience to help move each other through. In this circle we will raise our collective knowledge, diffuse the impossible expectations, and support each other in finding a post-baby groove where our full selves can fit. 

Please use the form below to add your name to be notified early about the next round of Thrive Circles!