Next Session TBD!

You know that relationships are tough, but how do you actually empower yourself with the skills to have the strongest relationship possible?

Like most people, you’ve probably spent many more hours preparing for your wedding than preparing for the inevitable challenges that will come down the road in your marriage.

If you are among those who have sought out additional support, you may have run into relationship education that is still heavily influenced by religious organizations, or you’ve faced the steep time commitment and lack of readily available couples counseling.

Rebecca Freking, licensed marriage and family therapist, has designed this educational course to help you and your partner maximize your time while covering the most essential topics you need to navigate marriage successfully.

Most couples who feel unhappy in their marriages wait years before seeking professional support.  Let’s normalize educating ourselves about relationship skills the same way we educate ourselves about financial literacy or personal growth.

Women no longer tolerate being defined solely by their relationships or marital status, but our relationships still have a profound impact on the well-being and happiness of all of us.  No discussion of mental wellness is truly complete without a focus on the ways we can strengthen our relationships while remaining grounded in ourselves.

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