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We don’t get to choose our parents, but as adults, we do get to choose how we interact with them. The impact of being raised by an Emotionally Immature Parent (EIP) can trickle into our self-confidence, intimate relationships, and parenting styles. 

How do we continue to care about a parent without sacrificing our mental wellbeing?

How do we heal from the wounds that remain?

Emotionally Immature Parents (EIP) often lack the self-awareness to understand how their reactions, behaviors, and emotional expressions affect their children. This is typically due to their own attachment needs not being met as a child. While we can hold space for this reality, it can leave us feeling stuck and even hopeless about the trajectory of the relationship with our parent.

Common characteristics of an Emotionally Immature Parent can include:

  • Emotional reactivity or unavailability
  • Struggling with empathy when others’ feelings are involved
  • Unwillingness to be accountable for their wrongdoings
  • Taking pride in being unyielding or judgmental
  • Tendency to not ask about or listen to your needs
  • Resistance to a reality that doesn’t fit their opinions
  • Easily misinterpreting communication as conflict
  • Needing to control others through guilt, anger, or shame
  • Perceiving others’ boundaries  as an obstacle to overcome 

When interacting with your parent, if you have asked yourself the question, Why is it always about them? or Why do I feel like I am never good enough?, you might be dealing with an EIP. Having an EIP can leave you bewildered and feeling alone in your experience.

The Surviving Emotionally Immature Parents Thrive Circle is for women navigating life with an EIP.

This group will teach you how to create healthy boundaries, navigate tough situations, and detach from the obligatory fusion that keeps you harmed in these relationships.

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